This is an opportunity to
reflect upon the state of our world at a time when it is being shaped by
various forces and new dynamics coming from the unexpected corners of the
world. From global citizens movements in Europe and the US to Arab revolutions, new players are emerging to
demand a place for themselves in the formulation and execution of global
policies. The Westphalian model which recognized the modern nation-states as
the only legitimate actors of the international system is challenged by new
forces that raise fundamental questions about the existence and legitimacy of
the classical nation-states. The nation-states, though still important, are no
longer the only or the most prominent actors in shaping national and global
political agenda.
The center-periphery relations are undergoing a major transformation at a global level. Centrifugal as much as central forces are determining the state of our world today. As a leitmotif of hypermodernity, the main parameters of politics, economy, international business, culture, arts, sports and the media are increasingly shaped by centrifugal forces coming from the peripheral areas. Once described and underestimated as marginal, exotic and irrelevant, the peripheries are challenging the national and global status quo and attempting to redefine the social, political and economic center.
This is what we have seen in Turkey over the last ten years: the Turkish political and economic center was challenged and contested by AK Party’s broad base which constituted the Turkish periphery during much of the Republic’s history. The political and bureaucratic state elites that shaped government policies lost their privileged position vis-à-vis popular demands for legitimacy, transparency and participation. ]…]
A similar process is taking place in the global political system. The Western-centric political and economic order is no longer able to cope with the challenges of the 21st century. Massive global problems such as climate change, nuclear weapons, immigration, terrorism, human trafficking, security, human rights, economic inequality, poverty and epidemics call for a more effective cooperation of big and small countries, states and NGOs, governments and private sectors, religious institutions and secular foundations, private citizens and associations, schools and the media, and so on. Neither the US nor the EU or China or India can deal with regional and global issues without taking into account the views and positions of others.
The center-periphery relations are undergoing a major transformation at a global level. Centrifugal as much as central forces are determining the state of our world today. As a leitmotif of hypermodernity, the main parameters of politics, economy, international business, culture, arts, sports and the media are increasingly shaped by centrifugal forces coming from the peripheral areas. Once described and underestimated as marginal, exotic and irrelevant, the peripheries are challenging the national and global status quo and attempting to redefine the social, political and economic center.
This is what we have seen in Turkey over the last ten years: the Turkish political and economic center was challenged and contested by AK Party’s broad base which constituted the Turkish periphery during much of the Republic’s history. The political and bureaucratic state elites that shaped government policies lost their privileged position vis-à-vis popular demands for legitimacy, transparency and participation. ]…]
A similar process is taking place in the global political system. The Western-centric political and economic order is no longer able to cope with the challenges of the 21st century. Massive global problems such as climate change, nuclear weapons, immigration, terrorism, human trafficking, security, human rights, economic inequality, poverty and epidemics call for a more effective cooperation of big and small countries, states and NGOs, governments and private sectors, religious institutions and secular foundations, private citizens and associations, schools and the media, and so on. Neither the US nor the EU or China or India can deal with regional and global issues without taking into account the views and positions of others.
L’émergence d’un nouveau
cadre géopolitique -
relations centre(Nord)-périphérie(Sud et Est) subissent une transformation
majeure au niveau mondial. Les forces centrifuges autant que les forces
centrales définissent l’Etat dans le monde contemporain. Le leitmotiv de cette
hyper modernité, les principaux paramètres politiques, économiques, le commerce
international, la culture, les arts, les sports et les media sont de plus en
plus façonnés par des forces émanant d’aires géographiques périphériques. Auparavant
sous-estimées et décrites comme marginales, exotiques et inutiles, les
périphéries remettent en question le statu quo national et mondial en tentant
de redéfinir le centre social, politique et économique.
la situation en Turquie depuis une dizaine d’années : le centre politique
contesté par le parti AK constituait la périphérie de la vie politique turque
au cours de l’histoire de la République turque. Les élites de la vie politique qui
prenaient hier les décisions gouvernementales ont perdu leur prérogative face à
la population exigeant légitimité, transparence et participation.]..]
système politique mondial subit une transformation similaire. L’ordre politique
et économique occidental n’a pas les moyens d’affronter les défis du 21ème
siècle. Les énormes problèmes mondiaux tels le réchauffement climatique,
l’armement nucléaire, l’immigration, le terrorisme, le traffic des êtres
humains, les droits de l’homme, les inégalités économiques, la pauvreté et les
épidémies exigent une coopération plus efficace des pays, des états et des ONG,
des gouvernements et des secteurs privés, des institutions religieuses et des
fondations séculaires, des écoles et des medias….etc. Ni les Etats-Unis,
l’Europe, la Chine ni l’Inde ne peuvent affronter les problèmes nationaux et
mondiaux sans prendre en compte les vues et positions des autres.
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