Solomon Islands will host the sixth Melanesian Arts and Cultural Festival in 2018.
This was agreed on by the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Ministers during the second MSG Ministers Arts and Cultural Festival meeting on Thursday at the Heritage Park Hotel.
This was agreed on by the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Ministers during the second MSG Ministers Arts and Cultural Festival meeting on Thursday at the Heritage Park Hotel.
Minister of Culture and Tourism Samuel Maneto’ali publicly announced the decision during a welcome function at Mendana Hotel on Thursday night.
“It is my pleasure to announce that the Solomon Islands Government has confirmed it will host the Melanesian Arts and Cultural Festival in 2018.
The fifth Melanesian Arts and Culture Festival will be held in Papua New Guinea in 2014.
Mr Maneto’ali acknowledged the MSG members and the Secretariat for their hard work and leadership in ensuring issues relating to culture and arts in the MSG region are discussed and appropriate actions are followed up.
He described the meeting as significant for it marks some very important developments and progress made within the culture and heritage sector in MSG members.
He said was pleased to inform that Solomon Islands along with Fiji have already signed the Treaty on the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Expressions of Culture in August 2011.
Vanuatu, PNG and New Caledonia are to sign the treaty but have indicated that they will sign the Treaty soon.
By Charles Kadamana
Les îles Salomon recevront le sixième festival des arts et cultures mélanésiens en 2018
L’accord a été conclu par les dirigeants du Groupe de Promotion de la Culture Mélanésienne (MSG Melanesian Spearhead Group) au cours de la deuxième rencontre des dirigeants concernant la culture et les arts mélanésiens, jeudi à l’hôtel Heritage Park. Le ministre de la Culture et du Tourisme Samuel Maneto’ali a publiquement annoncé cette décision pendant la réunion de bienvenue jeudi soir à l’hôtel Mendana. ‘C’est avec une grand joie que j’annonce que le gouvernement des îles Salomon hébergera le festival des Arts et Cultures Mélanésiens en 2018.’ Le cinquième festival des Arts et Cultures Mélanésiens se tiendra en Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée en 2014. Mr Maneto’ali a remercié les membres du groupe MSG pour leur travail constant pour veiller à ce que les questions des arts et des diverses cultures de la régions soient soulevées et prises en compte. Il parlait d’une réunion significative car ponctuée d’une évolution et de progrès importants dans le domaine de l’héritage culturel par les membres du groupe MSG.Il a dit être également ravi d’informer que les îles Salomon et les îles Fidji ont signé le Traité de Protection du Savoir Ancestral et des Expressions Culturelles en août 2011. Les Vanuatu, la Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée et la Nouvelle-Calédonie signeront le Traité ultérieurement.
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Tokelau |
Tonga puts climate case to the world
A big meeting on climate change that has just finished in Panama was urged to consider the plight of Pacific nations. It comes ahead of an important summit in Durban, South Africa, in late November on climate.
Presentations from Tonga highlighted the impact of climate change in the Pacific - including the current water shortages in Tuvalu and Tokelau. But finance is a challenge in the present economic climate and some non-government organisations, like Oxfam, have been pushing for a global tax on shipping emissions.
Important Clancy More, Oxfam's UN Climate Tracker, told Radio Australia's Pacific Beat they were inching towards getting better funding in the Pacific.
"The leaders of the world agreed to provide the $US100 billion per year starting in 2020.
Presentations from Tonga highlighted the impact of climate change in the Pacific - including the current water shortages in Tuvalu and Tokelau. But finance is a challenge in the present economic climate and some non-government organisations, like Oxfam, have been pushing for a global tax on shipping emissions.
Important Clancy More, Oxfam's UN Climate Tracker, told Radio Australia's Pacific Beat they were inching towards getting better funding in the Pacific.
"The leaders of the world agreed to provide the $US100 billion per year starting in 2020.
"So it's a lot of money and given the current financial crisis, there are some issues in actually getting that money on the table."l’hôtel Mendana.
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